Stop asking How to learn Czech and try these questions instead. Are you asking “How to learn Czech” and not getting any good answers? Are you frustrated with your Czech because you are focusing on 10 different ways instead of …
Já jsem Jindra and chci s tebou sdílet to, jak se změnil můj pohled na učení, učení se a na učení se jazyků. Vždycky jsem se chtěla učit němčinu. Byla jsem pro ten jazyk zapálená. Měla jsem silnou vnitřní motivaci. …
Start speaking Czech naturally without overthinking! Ahoj, tady Eliška, do you sometimes feel awful when after years of learning Czech you still feel like a child? Speaking basic Czech with mistakes? Not being able to express your thoughts fully? Well, …
Tips for your Czech learning journey Ahoj, tady Eliška and please hear me out today. I am sure my post will inspire your Czech learning because it changed mine. I’ve experienced many highs and lows in my life. I’ve had …
Ahoj, já jsem Eva. Řeknu ti o prvním oficiálním “Víkendu na chalupě”. Je to immersion weekend – to znamená 3 dny v češtině na české chalupě, kde jsme dělaly české věci. Bylo to skvělé! Jak vypadal náš víkend? Pátek …
Cizince rovnou učíme říkat chcu a šalina, říká brněnská lektorka češtiny 2. srpna 2023 Eliška Kryslová miluje jazyky. V šestnácti se sama začala učit francouzsky, ve Francii pak pět roků žila se svým manželem a v jeho vlasti vyučovala pro …
Today’s post is written by Eliška. I would like to share my experience with moving to France with you. If you are curious how it was and what I learned from it, continue reading. “Just before I finished my French …
Nazdárek , tady Eliška and I would like to share my yesterday evening thoughts with you. When our 1 year old son was sleeping, I was reviewing in my had a baby swimming course we started to attend. The first …
Nazdárek, tady Eliška. Doufám, že se máš báječně 🙂 Today, I would like to share something very important to me. If you want, let me know in the comment if you feel the same. Yesterday, I talked to Trent, one …
How long have you been learning Czech? What have you been focusing on? What are your priorities? Learning just the grammar and vocabulary is not enough. Today we have two tips for you how to improve your language learning experience …