What is more important than the language?
How long have you been learning Czech? What have you been focusing on? What are your priorities? Learning just the grammar and vocabulary is not enough. Today we have two tips for you how to improve your language learning experience and your result.
Of course it’s good to acquire new word or a phrase but if the native would never use it, why learning it?
The tip n°1 is: compare to reality, learn what people really say, learn the real Czech. Because most people will not say “To je krásná dívka” or “Omluvte mě, odskočím si”.
Tip n°2 – Understad the Czech culture. This is so important! Do you want to fit into Czech culture and make Czech friends? You need to know Karel Gott, burčák, dvanáctku or that ČD means also “čekej dlouho”.
What exactly can you do?
- you can have “your tutor on the phone” = stay in touch with your tutor daily via WhatsApp
- you can find many many many typical sentences, phrases, jokes, cultural behaviour, specific language situations,… in our comics “Guide to Czech culture – Alberto v Česku“
- You can join our free events “Mluvím česky” in Prague and in Brno and exchange funny stories, learn important words or find new inspiration.
This easy-to-read, funny and colorful comics shows you the mix of history, culture and slang. It is perfect for anyone who either wants to discover Czech culture or begin learning Czech.
Minule přišlo asi 20 lidí! To bylo super! Pili jsme pivo a jiné nápoje, kecali česky, poznali lektorky a nové lidi. Byla to sranda!