Čau, welcome!
Are you new to slowczech? We know it can be overwhelming to find the right starting point with so much content. That’s why we’ve created this page to guide you on your journey based on your goals and level. Let’s take that first step together!
I am beginner and I want to…
- Regularly say sentences or words out loud to make your mouth muscles used to the movement.
- Learn one or two jokes or a sentences from a Czech movie and just slip it into any Czech conversation.
- Watch vlogs in Czech (cooking, traveling,…) – they are easy to understand and the vocabulary repeats a lot.
- Listen to podcasts regularly to get your ear used to the language rythym and melody.
- Write 3 reactions you want to say to your local shop vendor, practise daily for a week, and go!
- Avoid wanting to learn everything. Choose 1 or 2 topics you like and focus on them.
- When watching videos on YouTube, use the “playback speed” button to slow them down”.
- Instead of continously learning new vocabulary, repeat over and over again the words you know already!
- When cooking or cleaning, just name things around you to practise your fast reactions
I feel like an intermediate learner and…
- Watch Dějiny udatného národa českého on ceskatelevize with Czech subtitles.
- Watch TV series Slavné dny or Cukrárna
- Write short stories or a diary. No need for your texts to be perfect. Just make your brain used to producing some Czech.
- Record yourself speaking and listen to these recordings.
- Be brave! Give it a try! Speak! Make mistakes!
- Look around and name things you see to practise your fast reactions
- if you read (book, articles, magazines), read out loud to practise your pronunciation
- Use ANKI to regularly review the words/sentences you want to say in specific situations.
- Watch any film (not particularly a Czech film) you like in Czech with Czech subtitles.
I am more advanced already and…
- Speak Czech to yourself when no one is around. (No matter how weird you might feel, this works!).
- Go out and ask a random person in the street “Kolik je hodin?” “Kde je Restaurace Hybernia?” etc.
- Improve your pronunciation so that a Czech stranger can understand you
- Switch your GPS / phone / computer to Czech.
- Send a voice message to your Czech friend and ask him to correct all your mistakes.
- Read a book in Czech you have already read in your mother tongue.
- Find a conversation partner and meet once a week.
- Listen to Czech radio in the morning when your brain is not tired.
- Watch any film (not particularly a Czech film) you like in Czech with Czech subtitles first, then without.