How I moved to a foreign country
Today’s post is written by Eliška.
I would like to share my experience with moving to France with you. If you are curious how it was and what I learned from it, continue reading.
“Just before I finished my French university studies, I met “him”. Today, he is father of our child, love of my life, my life partner. But back then, it was a nice French guy. Yet, attractive. Romantic. Understanding. But still. I came to Bretagne only for 3 months to complete my internship and then the plan was to go back to the Czech republic, back to my life.
I was ruminating a little bit on the possibility of “let’s try it out together” because I liked him so much! But all I could see was just struggle and distance of 1 800 km. At those times, unacceptable for me. And moving? No way! Too crazy!!!
So, I preferred not to continue in our romantic relationship, said goodbye and I returned to the Czech Republic to my old life.
It was easy. No one from my Czech life knew about him, I made sure not to share photos, so it was easy to return to my cozy comfort zone. Even though I felt that it’s not the life I want, I was so scared of…
Of what?
Of moving to France!
Of speaking French daily!
Of talking to people I don’t understand.
Of learning about French customs while at that table or how to behave when meeting friends!
I was so frightened. Because it happens only in movies that people leave everything behind, overcome their fears and live happily ever after, right?
One day I went for a coffee with my best friend Monika and told her about this handsome French with whom I spent every free moment of those 3 months I had. And I remember clearly what she told me:
“Ahaaaa teď chápu! Now everything makes sense! This is the reason you were flourishing on every photo you shared! And now you look so miserable because you miss him! Come on! Move to him! Live with him! He is the man you want!”
“But what about my parents, what about my friends, what about….?”, was my answer. Again, I was so scared that the only things I could see were the obstacles and why it would be so hard.
But thanks to Monika, I opened my mind. I left the “what if” and “but…” in the corner and I let my imagination breathe, swim, go,… fly!
I imagined how happy I would be.
How I would feel when living in my dream country.
With someone I love…
And all of a sudden, all the obstacles became so tiny that I barely saw them.
I decided to move to Bretagne. To start searching for a job, for new friends, for help with French language… Today I know that if I didn’t make this decision, I would live a miserable life but without knowing it!
I overcame my fear.
If I didn’t open my mind and just follow my heart, I would be this typical unconfident woman, going to 8 to 5 job, having a regular house and 2x holidays, with no dreams and no courage to go after my dreams. Yes, slowczech wouldn’t exist today.”
If we want something, if we imagine how this something will make us feel, any obstacle is surmontable.
No matter what your dream is, imagine from what you are pushing yourself away, when not going after this dream, when being too scared!
What are you losing just because you are scared of Czech cases?
Of moving to the Czech Republic?
Of having to speak in Czech to people you don’t know?
So many people did it before you.
There is no reason you are not as capable as they are. Naopak. With today’s technologies, ideas, learning ways, support it’s so easy to learn Czech.
Stop for a moment, write a vision of yours, think how it makes you feel when you have achieved your goals. If you are excited, this is the right one. The one you have to go after!
If Czech language takes part in your future self, slowczech is here to help you to get there. With the positive energy and motivation of the group, your journey will be way more enjoyable.
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I want to go after my “Czech dreams”