Tips & Tricks (07) – Speak Czech “to your phone”
How I see the language learning process? What is my experience from teaching Czech & learning Arabic?
7th video of the TIPS & TRICKS series is here. Jupí! I am talking about how actually you can use the Czech language out of lessons. How you can practise more? With your friends or partner or language partners using your phone? More details in the video 🙂
Tag:eliska, tips and tricks
It is a new way for me, but i like it.
if you happen to try it with any other language, let me know what you think.
Yes, this is another way of thousand ways how to practise speaking. It will not be useful for everyone but it certainly is one of the best ways for me, thus I wanted to share it with you 🙂
I don’t talk to my phone but I do talk to myself to practice Czech. When I go to my local high street I try to remember the Czech words for the places I see there. Na přiklad, banka, pošta lékárna, nádraží a tak dál.
I also practice ř out loud as I am walking along. My neighbours may think I am a bit strange but it works for me 🙂