LOGIC IN CZECH (14) DIV: divák, divadlo,… with CZE subtitles
Ahoj! Čeština je krásná, čeština je logická! Toto je další video série “LOGIC IN CZECH“. Today another list of words that have something in common. Dívat se? Divák? Divadelní představení? Divadlo? S českými titulky jako vždy 😉
Tag:eliska, Logic in Czech
Great that you include the subtitles in Czech. As a beginner I still find it easier to understand by reading the subtitles at the same time.
Tony, díky za komentář! I am happy that the effort put into the subtitles helps someone 😀 :-))
Krásný den, Eliška
Toto video krásné !!! Moc, moc děkuju!! The subtitles are wonderful (and so helfull!), and the pop-up pictures are great!
Díky, Mark, jsem moc moc ráda, že se ti toto video líbí 🙂
Wow, when one doesn’t notice that there is a subtitle option, this is when one realizes that he is not a beginner any more. :)))
I have a question: are the words Divny, Divoky, Divka coming from the same origin as Divat se?
Thank you!
Wow! Congratulations! This is a very very good news 🙂
You are a hard worker 🙂
When it comes to divný, divoký, dívka, dívat se… Even if the words have the same root, they doesnt have to be connected. The most logical one of your 3 examples is “divný”.
Dívka – originally děva, děvka (girl)
Divný + divně, podivně, div, podivit se, divit se (everything related to “wonder”)
Divoký + divokost (wild)
Nothing to do with “dívat se”.