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(163*) Low beginners: audio training in story (2): Stress in Czech

Ahoj, jak se máš? Jak to jde? Dobře? Já se mám dobře! 4 week ago I published a new way of learning for low beginners. And now, seeing that you sent me so many great feedbacks and comments and thanks, here we are for the 2nd audio training. If you have not heard the first one, check the episode number 159.  

Today I would like to tell you where we put the stress in Czech. I am talking about it in the podcast epizose.

Každý den.
Každý den spím. (2 groups)
Každy den se vám na Netflix. (3 groups)
Každy den se dívám na Netflix. (2 groups)

Now, you will hear explanation of some words from the story. Then, you will hear the story itself. At first, I will read the whole story. And then, I will read it again and make pauses so that you can repeat after me if you want to. Are you ready? Let’s go to the story.


chodím = I am going to some places regularly, every day, every month…
jdu = I go somewhere once, this one-off action or right now I go somewhere
často = often
většinou = usually, most of the time or “bigger” part of the time because větší means bigger
tak = asitak, cca, plus mínus (tak 2x za týden, tak 2x za rok)
chutná mi/chutnají mi = I like the taste of some food (of one piece of food / of many-plural-food)
málokdy = málo means a little, kdy means when, rarely, seldom, not so often
výborná polední meníčka = delicious menus servend at lunch time, at noon (polední), meníčka = menu
žádná hudba = no music
To se mi moc líbí. = I like it a lot. I like something visually, not related to the taste (which is Chutná mi). Líbí se mi + something. Líbí se mi Praha. I like Praha.


Rád chodíš do restaurace? A chodíš často do restaurace? da chodím do restaurace, ale nechodím tam moc často. Většinou na oběd s přáteli, tak dvakrát až třikrát za měsíc. Když jdu do restaurace, dám si něco dobrého. Moc mi chutná vegetariánské jídlo. Taky mi moc chutnají ryby. Nejradši mám tresku nebo lososa. Ale v Česku si dávám rybu málokdy. A k pití? Samozřejmě, že miluju víno. Jak červené, tak bílé. Mám jednu oblíbenou restauraci. Je v centru Brna a jmenuje se Spolek. Mají tam výborná polední meníčka. Ale hlavně tam nehraje žádná hudba. To se mi moc líbí.

I hope you enjoyed todays episode. I have a surprise for you. Soon I will release a new audio eBook with transcript, of course, where you can learn the Czech cases in stories – by listening and repeating + by answering the questions 🙂
And again, pleeease, if you like this way of learning, comment on slowczech.com in the episode transcript. It is a huge help for me, I need to hear that you like this type of content.

Krásný den, Eliška


  1. Mako Ueda

    Hi Eliška, thank you again for all the content that you put out!

    I really enjoyed this episode…for a couple reasons:

    1) I never thought to “group” words/stress of czech words. It gave me more structure in understanding the pronunciations! I would love to see more examples of these groupings in another episode!
    2) For a low beginner episode, I thought it was great that you, phrase-by-phrase, explained the story in english first. It allowed me to fully engage in this podcast and understand the story without having to use google translate the whole time.
    3) Being able to repeat after you is an awesome way to practice the pronunciation!

    Great episode. Looking forward to the ebook! Thank you!

  2. slowczech

    Mako, thank you for your feedback, I realy appreciate it!
    Very good points.
    Its a good idea to just explain the whole story at first in English and not to bother with translating just some words.
    I will try that out!
    Díky, krásný víkend.

  3. Joan Kohout

    Ahoj Eliška,
    Děkuju za epizodu. To se moc mi líbí.

  4. slowczech

    Díky, Joan, za komentář, jsem moc ráda, že se ti tato epizoda líbila!

  5. Mark Pickard

    Eliška, tato epizoda byla výborně! Moc, moc děkuju! That about the stress grouping is very complicated…best to learn it just ‘passively’…if you ‘think’ about it, you just go crazy!! The audio quality was also very good, so everything was very ‘clear to the ear’. I have a suggestion. Why don’t you have some kind of ‘summer school’, where people (your loyal fans, I mean’!) could come and spend a weekend or a week in, or somewhere near, Brno. My wife and I would be ‘all on’ for it! Most learners of Czech, I am sure, have the same experience as us…we just get ‘stuck’ and can’t make progress. But you make everything so clear, pronounce very clearly, explain so clearly, and set it all out so well, so I am sure that a weekend or week of ‘total immersion’ would be great, focused on ‘low beginner’ through to ‘advanced beginner’ level! Bude to super!!

  6. slowczech

    Mark, thank you for your message. Of course, its better just to listen and naturally repeat after the native speakers. But most of the people forget about the pronunciation and focus on learning diretctly the words and speaking. And then, they end with B1 level and horrible pronunciation 😀 So sometimes, its good not to forget about the stress and melody of the language.

    As to your “summer school” idea, I am actually preparing (well, started to think about it 😀 ) already some intensive classes in my new office in Brno center. I will do probably the last week of July, 3 hours a day MO-FR + lets see if the weekend follows, it might be sum up of our week mixed with picnic, visiting Brno surrounding + in Czech, of course, getting more comprehensible input and learning in another environment, because I believe we should change the environment to learn new things and with some experiences, we remember better. If you have ideas or some requirements what you would like to do, just write me, let me know, I will tailor the course 😉


  7. Mo

    Hi Eliška

    I like this way to practice whole phrases with appropriate case endings, but the pauses are too short for me to repeat the sentences…

  8. slowczech

    Dear Mo,
    thank you very much for your comment and your feedback, I am really happy it helps you to get the proper endings 🙂
    I recorded my voice while repeating slowly the sentences in my head + adding some more time later on in my audio software. I will however ask other listeners if they have the same struggles. Otherwise, I suggest you to pause the audio if you need much more time. Even though its not comfortable, I know .

  9. slowczech

    I have a question – if you do the listening and repeating 3 to 5 times, is the last time the fastest and the most comfortable one? It should fit to the space that I left because the goal is that you speak naturally as I do even though I am still speaking slowly. So if your first attempt is not fast enough, it is great because it means there is some space for progress and you can work on it on your own 😉

  10. Rene

    Hi Eliška
    Díky za za epizodu.
    Having a chance to repeat after you was useful. The pauses were perfect for me.

  11. slowczech

    René, díky moc za pochvalu.
    Jsem ráda, že pauzy byly perfektní a že se Ti tato epizoda líbila 🙂

  12. Jason Kelley

    Ahoj Eliška, díky za tu epizodu! I also very much like the new approach with opportunities to practice phases and respond to prompts during the episodes. Great for those of us who don’t have many opportunities to practice speaking!

  13. slowczech

    Dear Jason,
    thank you so much for your feedback. I will do more of those!

  14. KaTja

    This was so amazing!! Your approach To Teaching language is phenomenal and This was no excepTion – I loved how you noT only wenT Through The sTory buT Took Time To go over The phrases and where They derive from and oTher ways To learn!

  15. slowczech

    Katja, moc děkuji za tak krásný komentář!
    I see the logic in the words and when I feel it can help learners to understand and remember the words better, I share it 🙂

  16. David Saraiva

    Hii! Thank you so much!

    I’m not sure I got the point with the groups on this example:
    Každy den se dívám na Netflix. (3 groups)
    Každy den se dívám na Netflix. (2 groups)
    on the latter, you choose not to put the accent on “dí”, even though its the beginning of the word? So, speakers have some freedom?

    This episode was exactly what I was looking for to improve my pronunciation – shadowing 😉

    Short stories are great too… so yeah, from my side, please do more content like this 😉

    Díky moc!!!

  17. slowczech

    Dear David,
    so many thanks for your amazing feedback and compliments. It makes me happier today! 🙂
    As you say, the speaker has a lot of freedom. Besides, when you speak slower, you put more accent naturally. And overall, the Czech language is very flexible when it comes to the word order, so why not in the accent part, too? 🙂
    Dont hesitate to comment/write, if you have further questions,
    I am happy to help!
    Krásný víkend,

  18. Guadalupe

    To lekce se mi moc líbí. Budu stáhnout něho a slyšet kdyz dělám aerobic.

  19. Hynek

    Ahoj Eliško! Děkuji moc za podcast. Zdravy z Argentiny. Hynek

  20. slowczech


    děkuju moc za skvělý komentář!
    Jsem moc ráda, že se ti tato epizoda líbila 🙂

    Krásný den z Brna,

  21. Lisa Souza

    Wow what an amazing work you’re doing on your YouTube channel, blog, and podcast! I’ve started to learn recently from scratch so thank you so much!!

  22. slowczech

    Wow, thank you for your feedback. I am happy slowzech helps you to learn and understand Czech 🙂

  23. Rob Walker

    Hi Eliska, Im a beginner and have just discovered you, your website, videoa and podcasts. They are exactly what I need. Thank you so much. Your explanation and speaking is so clear its a fanrastic help to learning. Thank you so much. How do I subscribe is it just via your patreon site? By the way, as with comments by othets I would definitely be interested in total immetsion programme in Brno.
    Thank you so much Eliska
    Rob, London x

  24. slowczech

    Rob, I am sending you an email with more details 🙂
    And yes, please, support us via Patreon!! :-)))
    Díky, Eliška

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Arabic culture, nature, family

I’m Daniela or Danča. I enjoy working with adults from different cultural backgrounds. To me, Czech is like a beautiful forest that we explore together. Let’s play games, discover new strategies, and share our hobbies in class. I love traveling, swimming, reading, watching films, and singing in a vocal band.


Plants, books, Spain

I am slowczech courses manager and a Prague-based Czech tutor. Let’s conquer language fears together! I know how to tailor our lessons and ask you about your goals. Is it chatting over beer, work emails, university studies, family connections? I adore languages, plants, sitcoms, books, documentaries, ping-pong, and nature trips.


Enthusiasm, minimalism, socializing

I’m Monika, or Monča, slowczech event & good mood manager. I love meaningful conversations and meeting new people. Languages and cultures are my passion.  I was living in France, England and Vietnam. As a Czech tutor, I focus on understanding your needs and creating a positive, supportive environment.


Wine, design, languages

I’m the slowczech tutor and e-shop manager living in Brno. Having lived in Spain and Russia, I love travelling – exploring new places brings me joy. I cherish the variety and surprises that life offers. Teaching allows me to embark on adventurous journeys with my students. Let’s discover the world together!


Travelling, new ideas, optimism

I’m creative content manager and tutor from Ostrava. As a tutor, translator, and course coordinator, I understand that every student is unique and requires a personalized approach. Whether you’re refining grammar or starting from scratch, I will help you. I incorporate real-life materials. Seeing your progress brings me joy!


Games, sarcasm, my cat

I’m Marie, your friendly tutor and slowczech network & lab manager. I love connecting with students, fostering love for learning, and indulging in some Czech language nerdiness. I’m a Prague native, and I also love getting out of the city to hike and explore. Podcasts, British comedy, DnD, and spending time with my cat!


Nature, meditation, children

I am experienced tutor for children. I have been working with children since ever and there is no better job! In lessons love using stories, games and pictures. We always laugh a lot. Besides teaching, I enjoy meditation and spending time outside.

Michaela slowczech teacher


Czech language, picnics, Prague

I’ve been teaching Czech since 2013, starting with native speakers and later focusing on Czech as a foreign language. It’s my calling to help you with this awesome language. In my classes, we play games, explore idioms and enjoy observing progress. Let’s talk books, movies, dogs, sun in our lessons!

Music, lgbtq+, religions

I’m Barbora, or Bára. Life is amazing with wonderful people, my husband and my child by my side. I’m lucky to have my dream job, helping people understand each other. I enjoy both learning and teaching. I love working on conversation skills and correct pronunciation. Share your stories with me!


Music, French, communication

I’m Ema (or Míša), and I fell in love with teaching Czech eight years ago. Learning a language is a journey and I am here to be your guide and help you to enjoy it. Together, we always set a destination (in a week/month/year) and create a detailed itinerary, so we don´t get lost on the way. I love travelling, hiking, yoga, music, and dancing. I have a little baby now. That’s why I also offer WhatsApp and Hybrid lessons.


Chinese, Asia, travelling

大家好!I am Lee, an experienced foreign language teacher. My background includes teaching students of all levels. I always listen to my students’ concerns, and I help them unlock their full potential. It really brings me joy to see my students make progress. Let’s get the ball rollin’! 加油加油

Petra L.

Czech culture, self-reflection, family

Since 2017, I’ve been teaching Czech to both groups and individuals. I tailor lessons to my students’ preferences, offering exam preparation or fun conversational classes. I believe that language connects us and fosters understanding. I’m also a certified teacher for children and have extensive experience working with kids.


Canada, ecology, introvert

I started teaching in 2013 as a volunteer in a Czech village in Ukraine. After teaching in Ukraine and Canada, I joined slowczech full-time. I focus on conversation lessons. I really enjoy getting to know my students! I’m passionate about protecting the environment and volunteer for ecological organizations.

Peťa S.

Walks, my family, languages

I’m one of the lucky ones whose hobby is their job. I’ve learned ten foreign languages so far, and I’m currently learning German. I understand the challenges of learning Czech, but the feeling of finally getting it is incredible. I love traveling, reading books and spending time outdoors.


Optimism, languages, relationships

I’m enthusiastic Czech tutor and Spanish interpreter. Tolerance, positive mind, joy and respect are priorities for me – in lessons and in life. I spent some time abroad and I also study languages, so I can understand your needs. I am fascinated by interpersonal relationships, human mind and wonders of nature.


Traditions, my daughter, meeting people

I’m Anna or rather Anička, and since 2019 I’ve been teaching Czech with a focus on interesting and entertaining methods. I prioritize conversations and dialogues to help students understand how the languages work. I aim to create a nurturing environment for you. Let’s start this wonderful language journey together!

Anna R.

Mexico, Czech language, new people

I´m freelance tutor since 2019 currently living in Mexico. I use mostly communication methods of teaching, which means we will talk a lot. I believe language lessons are not only about learning a new language, but it is a great opportunity to explore different culture, meet new people, make friends!


Nature, Russian, icecream

I am constantly looking for playful and unconventional ways of teaching. I understand the Russian soul and speak Russian myself at a native level. I can help Russian speakers avoid the pitfalls that come with the similarities between 2 languages. I am not afraid to sleep alone in the forest.


Premium content

The videos and podcasts from slowczech Lab complement the free version. You can find them in the respective posts, located in the red section, as shown in the image below.

illustration of how the czech material for premium members are displayed

How to use this page?

Thank you again for joining the slowczech Lab! We’ve packed as many features as we could into this subscription, so there’s a lot for you to explore.

On this page, you’ll find:

  • a direct link to the slowczech Lab’s Discord server
  • specific links on Discord to access the group lesson schedules
  • all the premium videos and podcasts, pre-filtered for your convenience
  • buttons to manage or cancel your subscription
  • our terms of use

Interesting tidbit: the illustration below depicts a “táborák”, a beloved tradition in Czechia. Friends and families gather around a campfire to relax, chat, grill buřty, and sip beer.

With slowczech, we aim to provide you with a similar atmosphere: a warm, welcoming space to meet fellow learners and practice your Czech in a no-pressure setting. Enjoy! :)

group lessons

You have the opportunity to enroll in 2 groups lessons per month.

The standard break down is between beginner and advanced students

The decision of the day and time of the lessons is based on a voting system held in Discord.

We will do our best to accomodate everyone! 

Jak používat tuto stránku?

Díky, že ses přidala do slowczech network! Do balíčku předplatného jsme zabalili opravdu spoustu funkcí. Pojďme je společně prozkoumat.

Na této stránce najdeš:

  • přímý odkaz na server Discord pro lektory
  • odkazy na Discord pro přístup ke kalendáři workshopů
  • záznamy z předcházejících workshopů
  • odkazy na slevy u našich partnerů
  • tlačítka pro správu předplatného
  • naše podmínky služby

Věděla jsi, že ilustrace níže je Magion I, první československá družice?

Eliska slowczech CEO and founder


business, mother, polyglote

I am slowczech founder and from my experience I know two things: beginners can understand words with time. And enjoyable input is vital for natural language acquisition. Many give up Czech due to old methods, irrelevant vocabulary or overwhelming grammar. Let’s change that and make learning Czech exciting and effective.