Únor 2024: How to teach smarter using asynchronous work formats
- Posted by slowczech
- Categories Blog pro lektorky
- Date 08/02/2024
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Únor 2024
Petra Bozoradi
How to teach smarter using asynchronous work formats
Petra Bozoradi: “How can we work with more students while having the same (or even less!) workload? How can we help students boost their language skills through individual learning? I believe the magic pill is called asynchronous work formats.”
All of us want to teach smarter, right? We want to help as many students as we can to improve as fast as they can. Meanwhile it also would be great if we didn’t burn out several times a year. And to be honest, giving lessons is time consuming. How can we work with more students while having the same (or even less!) workload? How can we help students boost their language skills through individual learning?
I believe the magic pill is called asynchronous work formats.
In this workshop, I will show you how we can work in asynchronous ways with students, and what are the benefits for them and for us. I will also give you tips on how to keep an asynchronous program simple – how to provide materials, give feedback, and avoid overdelivering. At the end, all we get are happy, well-balanced teachers and satisfied, confident language users.
O mně
I am Petra and I help learners of Hungarian improve faster by showing them how to become independent learners. I also have a project called Easy Hungarian where I create materials for A2-B1 levels.
As a teacher, I know that language learning is a long journey, and students have to be persistent for a long time. I believe the key to successful language learning is becoming an independent learner. Students do not need somebody to ‘teach’ them but somebody who shows them how they can improve faster when they take the responsibility for their own progress. I help them become autonomous learners by using asynchronous work formats.
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