Discover Authentic Czech Conversations Explore our latest free video featuring experienced Czech teacher Monča, who showcases how to connect with locals in Brno. In this engaging episode, you’ll enjoy authentic street interviews while gaining valuable insights on how to meet …
Explore Czech Parenthood In the latest podcast episode by the Czech teacher, Eliska, discover the fascinating landscape of parenthood in the Czech Republic. From navigating children’s playgrounds to understanding cultural nuances, you’ll get a firsthand look at what makes the …
In this delightful episode of our podcast to learn Czech, tutor Daniela invites us to reminisce about the good old times in Czech schools. The episode is part of a rich series that combines 6 videos and 6 podcast episodes, …
Navigate School Interactions and Address teachers in Czech In this insightful episode of the slowczech podcast, our fantastic tutor Daniela takes you through the essential vocabulary and phrases needed when interacting with school staff in the Czech Republic and when …
Would you like to know how the education system works in the Czech Republic? Then this episode is just right for you! Veronika will walk you through primary and secondary school, up to the university (in the premium episode). Is …
Would you like to learn more about Czech culture and practice your Czech? In this episode, Eliška prepared for you a story about a famous Czech writer and his most significant piece. Ahoj! Vítej v dnešní epizodě. Jak se máš? …
In this heartwarming and candid episode of the slowczech podcast, Eliška greets listeners with her signature warmth and spontaneity. With no script in hand, she dives into an improvised narrative that promises to be as engaging as it is personal. …
Dneska jedeme do Štramberka! Znáš toto město?
Letní video série je tady – visit Czech republic. Uvidíš města v Česku, jupí! Dneska jako první – OSTRAVA!!!