Šla jsem na procházku. Pršelo. A proto je to procházka v dešti. Déšť je anglicky the rain.
Čau! Jak se dneska máš? Báječně? Skvěle? Perfektně? Mám pro tebe hosta. Dnešním hostem slowczech je Lenka. Lenka je velmi aktivní člověk. Má hodně aktivit, každý den dělá něco jiného: někdy píše texty pro cestovatelský blog, někdy učí češtinu, někdy …
Ahoj, jak to jde v práci? Kde teď pracuješ? Pracuješ doma nebo v práci v kanceláři? Nebo máš kancelář doma? Dneska pro tebe mám trochu pracovní epizodu 🙂 Ale nejdřív slova, která za chvíli uslyšíš. Co znamená “PROSTOR” = místo, …
Ahoj! Our serie “Život v České republice” goes on and today we share with you “Parkování v Brně – Part2“. The video is a part of videos done as part of cooperation between both, Yalla Česky and SlowCZECH channels. The …
Ahoj! Our serie “Život v České republice” goes on and today we share with you “Parkování v Brně – Part1“. The video is a part of videos done as part of cooperation between both, Yalla Česky and SlowCZECH channels. The …
Nazdááár! Let’s continue! Our serie “Život v České republice” goes on (Life in the Czech Republic)! Today about the couple ways how to buy the šalina/bus ticket, part 2. The video is a part of coming videos, which will be …
Ahojda! Our serie “Život v České republice” goes on (Life in the Czech Republic)! Today about the couple ways how to buy the šalina/bus ticket. The video is a part of coming videos, which will be done as part of …
Ahój! So here we are with the 2nd video of the serie “Život v České republice” (Life in the Czech Republic)! The video is a part of coming videos, which will be done as part of cooperation between both, Yalla Česky and …
Ahój! Welcome to the first video of the serie “Život v České republice” (Life in the Czech Republic)! The video is a part of coming videos, which will be done as part of cooperation between both, Yalla Česky and SlowCZECH …
Hi guys! Today’s episode is little bit special, written mainly for Brno people, Brňáci 🙂 I have translated and converted into simple Czech an article written by a very good friend of mine, Carlos from Mexico. This SlowCZECH episode is …