(169*) Low beginners: Audio training in story (3): 2nd position rule
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Ahoj, jak se máš? Jak to jde? Dobře? Já se mám dobře! Today, already 3rd audio training episode. After your amazing feedback from the very first episode that I published at the beginning of May, I continue with this Serie of Audio Training. If you have not heard the first one, check the episode number 159 that was released on May, 1.
Today I would like tell you about one very important part in Czech language for foreigners that is often neglected – the 2nd position rule. Example:
Poslouchala JSEM audio knihu.
Já a můj manžel JSME poslouchali audio knihu.
Já, můj manžel, můj kocour a soused JSME poslouchali audio knihu.
So, this “jsem, jsi, jsme,…” need to be put on the 2nd position in the sentence. More details in the audio and way more details in my new eBook ;-)
Minulý týden = last week
několik let = several years, kolik? how many? několik, some-many years
tříletého kluka = a 3 year old boy, we can use “kluk” in informal language, you can say tříletého syna, tříleté dítě. Informally tříletého kluka a tříletou holčičku.
pořád = constantly, all the time. Pořád piju. I drink all the time.
dost = pretty much, enough. Je to dost aktivní dítě = he is pretty much active kid.
rozloučit se = to say goodbay, Rozloučili jsme se – we said goodbay to each other, this “se” talking about a reciproque action, to each other
spoustu kamarádů a část rodiny = a lot of friends and part of my family, mám spoustu času, mám spoustu práce
raději = I like rather = I prefer. Mám ráda vodu. Mám raději víno.
(starting at time 10:31:00)
Minulý týden jsem byla v Praze. Viděla jsem kamarádku Monču a její rodinu. Monča žije v Praze už několik let. Má tříletého kluka Teodora. Teodor pořád někde běhá! Je to dost aktivní dítě. S Mončou jsme byli na kafi a na zmrzlině. Já jsem měla čokoládovou zmrzlinu a Monča měla melounovou zmrzlinu. Mňam! Taky jsme byli na Karlově mostě, potom jsme šli na víno a večer jsme se rozloučili. Monča šla domů a já jsem šla na vlak. Jela jsem vlakem zpátky do Brna. Je pravda, že Praha je fakt krásná. Mám moc ráda Prahu. A navíc mám v Praze spoustu kamarádů a část rodiny. Ale raději mám Brno. A co ty? Máš raději Prahu nebo Brno?
I hope you enjoyed todays episode. Let me know what you think!
Krásný den, Eliška
Tag:audio training, eliska, grammar
Moc děkuju for the opportunity to listen and to speak Czech since I’m studying on my own. For me, understanding other people speaking a foreign language is the most difficult part of learning a foreign language. And speaking is important because different facial muscles need to be trained to form new words. It can be exhausting having a conversation in another language just from the work involved pronouncing strange letters (například ř!) and new words. Mějte hezký víkend!
Linda, thank you so much. You are right, besides, pronouncing it right might be a bit hard when you have a rare practice 🙂
Thankyou, These are really helpful for practising listening and speaking skills. I have a 1 hour lesson per week via zoom with my Czech tutor but other than that I am studying on my own. Have just started to study the past tense and the importance of the “2nd” position.
Děkuju moc
Ahoj Tony, yes, for me earlier you learn the 2nd position, easier it will be later! 🙂
This type/series is GREAT. I love (1) the color coded terms, (2) both English and Czech versions of the story and (3) the story told again with breaks to help us practice speaking.
Please do more episodes like these! VERY, very helpful! Moc děkuji Eliška!
Ahoj Zachary, díky!
Thank you very much. I like those stories, too. Even though I use a bit too much of English 😀
Krásný den!